Shipping Policy
All paintings ship for free within the continental United States. We do not currently ship outside of the United States.
We currently use UPS or FedEx for shipping smaller paintings and aim to send out all orders within 7-10 business days.
For large paintings (36 x 36 and above), please allow 3 to 6 weeks for shipping. We contract with professional drivers who will hand-deliver your piece. Due to the nature of private drivers, the dates can be somewhat flexible but we will do our best to provide you with an accurate estimate. Please email with any shipping questions.
If you need to receive your order by a certain day, please add a note to your order and we will do our best to get it to you on time. Due to carrier shipping delays, we cannot guarantee a delivery window.
In the event that a package is returned to us due to customer order input error (i.e. mistaken shipping address), the fees to re-ship the original package will be invoiced to the customer.
If you are local to Charlotte, NC and would like to schedule pick up or delivery (Julia will hand deliver it to your home), you may email Julia at to coordinate.
Return Policy
All painting purchases are final sale.
We do our best to protect your painting; however, if your item arrives damaged, please contact us immediately at with photos and we will be in touch to resolve the issue.